July 03, 2010

*sigh* Computers, arg.

Ok, so we're STILL dealing with computer schtuff. Long story short, HP can't fix our computer because it doesn't have the parts. What?! Really?? Seriously?? We bought the computer a year ago and you DON"T have the PARTS to fix it??? Is it really that much of a game just to get us to spend money with you? Oye. Sorry. ha. So anyhoo, because we were still under warranty they gave us a new computer, PTL. So we've been trying to reinstall all our necessary programs, set up the wi-fi, etc. Except we have run into problems with each program we've needed to install. *headbang* Its driving us batty. My poor hubby has been up late working his tail off on this computer each night and we're still having issues. arg. Makes us want to just throw our computers out the window and go live in a cave somewhere. HAHAHA. *sigh* Hopefully today I can install my photo editing software and by next week after the holiday get ahold of the software developer for my jewelry manager software and get that reinstalled. Until all that is installed I can't really list new pieces. We'll see how this goes....HA. Pray for us. *grin*

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